On Fri Aug 31, I did my *first* live in-studio interview with CTV on the morning show “Your Morning.” I’m not going to lie – I was NERVOUS!! I’ve never been on live TV before. I was trying to take deep breaths and remain calm but the butterflies in my stomach were having a field day.
The wonderful producer and I had a long phone conversation the days before so her warmth did help. So genuine and kind! She greeted me right away and we sat on the couch while another very kind lady wired me up (put the microphone on me – not too sure the correct terminology)
I met Kelsey McEwen who would be interviewing me and she too put me at ease. We started talking about running which is always a topic I’m very comfortable with so it got my mind off focusing on my nerves. Kelsey led me to the set and found our places on the couch.
The 5 minutes went by SO fast! I could not believe it! I realized I didn’t need to be nervous. Everyone was so warm and welcoming. It made me so excited for the many in-studio interviews that are coming up.
It was a great learning opportunity. I went home (I PVR’ed) the clip and watched it over and over to see what I liked but more import for me is where I could improve for next time. I also was curious as to what it looks like on TV (which pictures are flashing across the screen, are my eyes looking at the host or was I looking elsewhere).
I feel so grateful to have had this opportunity and am that much more pumped for my next interview 🙂 The interview is here: