As many of you know, I don’t listen when I hear “No.” I just dust myself off and make another attempt……and another and another. I am very comfortable reaching out, asking for help, advice and guidance from anyone – whether I know them or not. I have always had the “You never know till you try” or “What’s the worst thing that can happen” approach to life.
Very (VERY!!) often, I will find a company, name of a person I want to talk to and find a way to get in touch with them asking for a few minutes of their time. I find that people in general are very kind and willing to impart their wisdom. Most often, they are more than generous with their time, giving me tips/advice for way more than the 10 minutes I originally ask for. First step is just asking 🙂
So today I was feeling rather overwhelmed. The reason is because I had so many emails, calls, phone numbers, contacts of people I had been in touch with (for various topics) – but couldn’t remember which person had helped me with which topic and when I could reach out to them for a follow up. (The lack of sleep and trying to do a million things at once was by no means helping my memory)
It dawned on me – I need some way to organize it all. So, I made a super simple (I’m not a tech wizard by any means) with the following headings -Name, email, phone number, area of expertise, next steps.
Simple, neat and ORGANIZED! Whohoo! This allowed me to see everything I need in 1 place.
Anxiety – 0, Dina – 1 !!