Hello friends! One week ago today we had my book launch party.

It was a great sunny day (so lucky because we wanted to have it in my parents backyard among all the beautiful flowers and garden). It felt surreal. Two years ago, writing a book was merely an idea that popped into my head. Along the way, ideas changed, realizations happened and to be honest, it was SO hard to write these personal memories that I often thought it would be easier to abandon this project.

I was an emotional wreak for a good part of that 2 years. As the book got completed and then published, it felt like the light at the end of the tunnel was getting closer.

Then a few weeks ago, I got a copy of the book – man oh man – the tears of joy were flowing. To think that everything I’ve wanted to express over 20 years is all contained in that book. I now understand why they say writing a book is a “watershed” moment.

And then came the launch party last week. We decided to have it at my parents house, which is where my story started. My parents were amazing to host it (and so happily at that).

That day, as I looked up from signing a book, my heart was full. To see so many people that mean so much to me, my parents and my sister was overwhelming. There was so much love and support in the garden that day. Here are a few pictures from that special day.

Surviving Myself is now available on Amazon worldwide