Speaking at 2 TEDx Events – September!

Hello hello friends! I’m so excited to announce that I’ve been given the opportunity to speak at two different TEDx events this September.

I was not expecting even 1 (let alone 2 – totally nuts!) but thrilled to share 2 different ideas with the world. I only realized the topics of these talks after writing the memoir.

I will share details and of course the video stream on the day of but here are the basic details:

1.TEDx Sainte Ann de Bellevue

  • Sat Sept 14, 2018
  • John Abbott College
    21275 Lakeshore Dr, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, H9X 3L9
  • Tickets available here

2. TEDx Harvey Street

  • Thurs Sept 27, 2018
  • Terra Square
    3380 Chicago Drive
    Hudsonville, Michigan, 49426
  • Tickets available here

More details coming soon 🙂