Hello again friends and thank you for joining me for Part 3 of this blog series: “The AFTER” Continue Reading
#SURVIVINGMYSELF Book Blog: The Writing Process (Part 2: “The DURING”)
Hello friends! Welcome back to this mini-blog series on the Writing Process. If you missed Part 1 (Click here). Let’s get right into Part 2!
Dove’s “Inner Critic” Campaign
Friends!! Hello and I hope you are having a great day! I have a burning question to ask you: Continue Reading
#SURVIVINGMYSELF Book Blog: The Writing Process (Part 1: “The BEFORE”)
Friends……hello there! I’ve been getting a lot of questions on the writing process . . . Continue Reading
#SURVIVINGMYSELF Book Blog: Why I Wrote This Book
Hello friends! I’ve been asked this question many times over the past two years: Why on earth would I chose to write a book? Continue Reading
Updates Updates!!
There is a lot happening and I’d like to take a moment to share it with you!
Back to Blogging……finally!
It’s been quite a while since I’ve written my last blog. Okay, let’s be honest……it’s been a really longgggg time any way you look at it. I’ll explain…. Continue Reading
Google, Switzerland and Me! Part 2
After the shock wore off – it was time to get down to business! I was going to fly to Zurich to speak at Google!! Still nuts to say! Most important was to know the real challenges the audience was facing so that I could tailor my speech for them. After a few emails, I understood their challenges and re-worked my speech so that it really spoke to THEM!
Google, Switzerland and Me! Part 1
“Pack your bags – you’re coming to Zurich.” I read that line in the email about 50 times. Me? Zurich? Google? They WANTED to hire ME to speak!??!!